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Nintendo is an integral part of the technology industry. But its roots go back to the nineteenth century, when popular playing cards emerged from its workshop. In addition to the founding of Nintendo Koppai, in today's installment of our historical series, we recall the introduction of the HTC Dream smartphone.

Nintendo Koppai (1889)

Fusajiro Yamauchi founded Nintendo Koppai on September 23, 1889 in Kyoto, Japan. The company originally produced and sold Japanese hanafuda playing cards. Over the following years (and decades), Nintendo Koppai became one of the most important manufacturers of game cards. The company also became a pioneer in the country in the production of more durable cards with a plastic surface treatment. Today, Nintendo is mainly known in the video game industry, but hanafuda cards are still part of its portfolio.

T-Mobile G1 (2008)

On September 23, 2008, the T-Mobile G1 phone (also HTC Dream, Era 1 or Android G1) saw the light of day in the United States. The smartphone with a slide-out hardware keyboard was equipped with an Android operating system with a customizable graphical user interface. The HTC Dream was met with a relatively positive reception from users and became a strong competitor for smartphones with operating systems Symbian, BlackBerry OS or iPhone OS. The Android operating system offered integration with services from Google, the smartphone included the Android Market for downloading other applications. The smartphone was available in black, bronze and white.

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  • Mozilla Phoenix 0.1 released (2002)