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Nowadays, most of us take private videos on a smartphone or tablet, and we download movies from the Internet or watch them online through various streaming services. However, this was not always the case - especially in the 1980s and 1990s, video cassettes in VHS format reigned supreme in this field, the arrival of which we will recall in today's article.

It Comes VHS (1977)

On June 4, 1977, at a press conference before the start of the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Chicago, Vidstar introduced its VHS (Video Home System) videocassettes. These were based on an open standard developed by JVC in 1976. The VHS system was also meant to be a competitor to Sony's Betamax format, and offered a number of great features such as longer recording times, faster rewinding to the beginning, and fast forward functions.

The dimensions of these video cassettes were roughly 185 × 100 × 25 mm, the cassettes were equipped with a magnetic tape less than 13 cm wide and two reels between which the tape was wound. Of course, VHS format videotapes evolved over time, and LP mode was added for recording longer programs, for example. Gradually, these cassettes also gained popularity for amateur recording, with the 240 minute cassettes being the most popular. Videocassettes in the VHS format stayed on the market for a relatively long time, but over time they were supplanted by DVD discs, which supplanted Blue-ray discs, which are practically supplanting streaming services.
