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The history of technology also inherently includes entertainment and games associated with it. In today's installment of our tech history series, we commemorate the release of the Mac adventure game Myst, but also the arrival of Valve Corporation's Setam OS.

Myst Comes to Mac (1993)

On September 24, 1993, Broderbund Software released its Myst game for Apple's Macintosh computers. In this graphic adventure game, players travel around the island of Myst, where they are tasked with solving various puzzles. The development of this game started in 1991 and its musical accompaniment was provided by Robyn Miller, one of its creators. The game Myst became a surprise hit, which both players and critics were excited about. Gradually, owners of computers with MS Windows, Sega Saturn game consoles, PlayStation, Atari Jaguar CD and a number of other platforms received it. Myst also had several sequels.

Steam OS is Coming (2013)

On September 24, 2013, Valve Corporation introduced its Steam OS – the primary operating system for the Steam Machine gaming platform, based on the Debian Linux distribution. Among other things, SteamOS allows streaming of video games from devices with Windows, macOS or Linux operating systems, and according to its creators, it also offers significantly better performance in the field of graphics. Steam OS is open source, allowing players to customize the source code as they wish.

SteamOS fb

Other events not only in the field of technology

  • CompuServe launches consumer version of MicroNET (1979)
  • On the night of September 24-25, the first Czechoslovak nuclear reactor was commissioned (1957)