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Every day there are new things in the field of technology. Some events are crucial, others less so. IN next work in our regular series on the history of technology, we will remember patenting Dvorak Simplified Keyboards and the arrival of the game console Xbox 360.

The Dvorak Keyboard Layout (1936) is coming

When they were born the first typewriters, many manufacturers tried to come up with the ideal layout keyboard. For example, the system was popular QWERTY, but he eventually turned out to be not very effective. May 12 of the year 1936 You are a professor at the University of Washington August Dvorak with his brother-in-law by William Dealey patented the so-called Dvorak simplified keyboard (Dvorak Simplified Keyboard - DSK). The keyboard stood out, for example proximity key letters for greater efficiency. Dominant the hand was "within reach" of the majority consonants, while non-dominant hand took care of vowels and less frequent consonants - for this reason DSK was developed in the pro version right-handed and left-handed. The Dvorak keyboard was indeed much faster to type on - so fast that the keys of older typewriters often jammed, which is why the keyboard didn't eventually become the standard.

Xbox 360 is coming

May 12 of the year 2005 presented by the company Microsoft your gaming console with the name Xbox 360. It was a successor the original Xbox and the official unveiling took place within the broadcast of the television station MTV 12. More details, including an overview of games, were presented by Microsoft a little later at the fair Electronic Entertainment Expo. The Xbox 360 offered support for the service Xbox Live, function streaming media from local PCs, and users could add a series to it over time accessories, controllers a peripherals for an even better gaming experience.

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