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Today, it is certainly clear to everyone how important the Internet is for our work, education, but also for our personal life. In 1995, however, the situation was completely different. It was then that the then CEO of Microsoft, Bill Gates, came out with the statement that the Internet is a very important technology, the development and improvement of which should be given the highest priority. In addition to Gates' statement, today we also remember the day when the US IRS was attacked by hackers.

Bill Gates emphasizes the importance of the Internet (1995)

Just over a year has passed since the first-ever international WWW conference, when then-Microsoft CEO Bill Gates released a report titled The Internet Tidal Wave. In this report, Gates also stated, among other things, that the Internet has become "the most important subject of development" since the days of the first personal computers from IBM's workshop, and emphasized that development in this area should become a top priority not only at Microsoft.

US IRS attacked by hackers (2015)

On May 26, 2015, a hacker attack on the US Internal Revenue Service was announced. In the course of this attack, the attackers managed to steal the data of more than a hundred thousand American taxpayers. Although she informed the relevant authority about the attack on May 26, the data leak allegedly occurred in the previous four months. The hackers accessed the relevant data through an online system containing information from older tax returns. Hackers were able to access the information by successfully entering information such as the taxpayer's date of birth, address or social security number. According to the statement of the authority, these were very experienced criminals, the authority immediately began to inform the users in question and temporarily suspended the operation of the relevant application.
