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It is always useful to always and everywhere have an overview of the current state of the weather in your location, or what kind of weather awaits you in the foreseeable future. For these purposes, it would certainly be great to have weather information displayed on your iPhone's lock screen. However, the all-day display of current weather forecast data is not possible by default on your iPhone. Fortunately, there is a solution.

The solution is a simple but useful iOS shortcut called Weather Wallpaper. As the name suggests, this shortcut allows you to set a wallpaper on your iPhone's lock screen that will constantly display current weather data. In addition, the Weather Wallpaper shortcut offers several customization options - right after installing it, you can choose what type of information will be displayed on the lock screen of your iPhone, and you can also choose the type and location of this information. In addition to information about the current weather, the locked screen of the iPhone can also display data on the highest daytime and lowest nighttime temperatures or the time of sunrise and sunset. The Weather Wallpaper shortcut requires access to your iPhone's photo gallery and location and weather data.

To successfully install this shortcut, open the appropriate link in the Safari browser on the iPhone where you want to install the shortcut. Also, make sure you have enabled the option to download untrusted shortcuts in Settings -> Shortcuts. By default, the Weather Wallpaper shortcut uses a random photo from your photo gallery for your iPhone's lock screen wallpaper. If you want specific images to appear on the wallpaper, first create an album for them in the native Photos. Then in the Shortcuts app, on the Shortcuts tab, click on the three-dot icon in the upper right corner, in the shortcut settings on the Photos tab, click on Newest and select the desired album (see the photo gallery of the article).

Download the Weather Wallpaper shortcut here.
