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Apple Store employees applied to their employer already in 2013 class action lawsuit for having to undergo humiliating strip searches before leaving work. Store managers suspected them of theft. Now, thanks to court documents, it has come to light that at least two of the employees addressed their complaint directly to Apple boss Tim Cook. He forwarded the complaint email to HR and retail management asking, "Is this true?"

The employees of Apple Stores did not like that their employer treated them like criminals. The personal inspections were said to be unpleasant, sometimes taking place in front of the present customers and, moreover, taking about 15 minutes of the employees' time, which remained unpaid. Apple store employees were searched every time they left an Apple Store, even if it was just for lunch.

As part of the lawsuit, the employees demanded reimbursement for the time spent on inspections. However, they did not succeed in court, which the judge justified by the fact that inspections are not part of the workload for which the employees are paid according to the contract. The judgment was also based on a precedent arising from a similar case, where employees sued another American company, Amazon.

Court documents do not reveal how Cook received a response to his email addressed to human resources management and retail management. It is not even known whether Tim Cook has written back to the complaining employees.

Source: reuters