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Desktop Profiles

Desktop Profiles is a useful and very cool macOS open-source application that allows you to create multiple desktop profiles on your Mac. The main purpose of this tool is to facilitate the transition between different work environments. Here you can define your own profiles including details such as predefined settings, theme, color and more. The application offers support for keyboard shortcuts.

Download Desktop Profiles for free here.


Sunscreen is a great, simple app that changes your desktop wallpaper based on sunrise and sunset. Simply drag and drop your favorite wallpapers into the Sunscreen preferences and it will do the rest. Sunscreen supports assigning your own wallpaper to five different periods of the day. You can individually customize the wallpaper to be used at sunrise, morning, afternoon, sunset and night. If you want to skip some periods and leave the wallpaper alone, you can simply leave one of these periods blank. For example, if you leave Afternoon blank, the wallpaper for Morning will also be used for Afternoon. The Sunscreen screen is completely unobtrusive and doesn't get in the way. It runs exclusively in the menu bar and leaves your Dock free of extra clutter.


Download the Sunscreen app for free here.


ScreenCat is an open source application for screen sharing and remote collaboration on Mac. With ScreenCat, you can share your desktop with someone else while allowing them to share their mouse and keyboard remotely. Using the remote control page, you can send an invitation code to a website user and they can remotely control your computer. Google Chrome is currently the recommended browser.

Download Screencat for free here.


TempBox is a handy application that allows you to create a temporary disposable email box on your Mac. In TempBox, you can create several temporary email addresses and even archive them for later use if necessary. You can have the address generated or set your own.

Download TempBox for free here.


If you also use additional monitors with your Mac, you may find an application called MonitorControl useful. The MissionControl application allows you to conveniently and efficiently control the brightness and volume of an external display, both through the keyboard and through the Control Center on your Mac.

monitor control

You can download MonitorControl for free here.
