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In April 2015, the first customers finally received their long-awaited Apple Watch. For Apple, April 24, 2015 marked the day it officially entered the waters of the wearable electronics business. Tim Cook called the first smart watch produced by the Cupertino company "another chapter in Apple's history". It took an endless seven months from the introduction of the Apple Watch to the start of sales, but the wait was worth it for many users.

Although the Apple Watch was not the first product to be introduced after the death of Steve Jobs, it was – similar to the Newton MessagePad in the 1990s – the first ever product line in the "post-Jobs" era. The first (or zero) generation of the Apple Watch thus heralded the arrival of smart wearable electronics in the Apple portfolio.

In an interview with Wired magazine, Alan Dye, who led the company's human interface group, said that at Apple "for some time we felt that technology was going to move to the human body", and that the most natural place for this purpose was the wrist .

It is not clear whether Steve Jobs was involved in any way in the development – ​​albeit preliminary – of the Apple Watch. Chief designer Jony Ive, according to some sources, only toyed with the idea of ​​an Apple watch during the time of Steve Jobs. However, analyst Tim Bajarin, who specializes in Apple, said that he had known Jobs for more than thirty years and was sure that Steve knew about the watch and did not dismiss it as a product.

The Apple Watch concept began to emerge around the time when Apple engineers were developing the iOS 7 operating system. Apple hired a number of experts specializing in smart sensors, and with their help, it wanted to gradually move from the concept phase closer to the realization of a specific product. Apple wanted to bring something completely different to the world than the iPhone.

At the time of its creation, the Apple Watch was also supposed to move Apple into the group of companies producing luxury goods. However, the move to produce the Apple Watch Edition for $17 and present it at Paris Fashion Week turned out to be a mistake. Apple's attempt to penetrate the waters of high fashion was certainly an interesting experience, and from today's point of view, it is very interesting to see how the Apple Watch turned from a luxurious fashion accessory into a practical device with a great benefit to human health.

As we already mentioned at the beginning of the article, Apple presented its first smart watch to the world during the Keynote on September 9, 2014, together with the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. The keynote was then held in Cupertino's Flint Center for Performing Arts, i.e. the place where Steve Jobs introduced the first Mac in 1984 and the Bondi Blue iMac G1998 in 3.

Four years since its launch, the Apple Watch has come a long way. Apple has managed to make its smartwatch a product of great importance for the health and physical condition of its owners, and although it does not publish the exact figures of its sales, it is clear from the data of analytical companies that they are doing better and better.


Source: Cult of Mac
