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The Chinese company Xiaomi is known for being fast growing and dynamic. On the other hand, she is also famous for not bothering with copyright. The novelty in the form of Mimoji is very similar to the Memoji we have on the iPhone.

Xiomi is preparing its latest smartphone CC9, which is to be ranked among the absolute top. Leaving the hardware specs aside, the new animated smileys called Mimoji cannot be overlooked. These are basically 3D avatars of the user, which is captured by the front camera. The emoticons then react vividly to facial expressions and "come to life".

Does this caption seem like a Memoji falling out of your eye? It will be hard to deny Xiaomi's inspiration. The function, which is part of iOS and uses the technology contained in the front TrueDepth cameras of iPhones equipped with Face ID, is more or less copied to the last detail.

Emoticons created in this way will of course be able to be sent further, following the Memoji pattern, for example in the form of messages.

At a closer look, the inspiration is also noticeable in the graphic rendering. Individual faces, their expressions, hair, accessories such as glasses or hats, all of this has long been available at Memoji. Moreover, this is not the first time that Xiaomi has tried to copy the feature.

Except from Xiaomi

Memoji from Apple
What are the Mimos similar to? The differences between Mimoji and Memoji are minimal

Xiaomi does not copy itself

Already with the launch of the Xiaomi Mi 8, the company brought a very similar functionality. At that time, it was a direct competition to the iPhone X, as the smartphone from the Chinese manufacturer followed the one from Apple.

However, Xiaomi is not the only company that copied the Memoji idea. South Korean Samsung, for example, behaved in the same way. After the launch of the iPhone X, he also came out with his Samsung Galaxy S9 model, which also animates the content. However, in an official statement at the time, Samsung denied any inspiration from Apple.

After all, the idea of ​​animated avatars is not entirely new. Even before Apple, we could see a very similar, albeit not so sophisticated, variant, for example, in the game service Xbox Live for consoles from Microsoft. Here, the animated avatar embodied your gaming self, so that the profile on this network was not just a nickname and a collection of statistics and achievements.

On the other hand, Xiaomi has never made a secret of copying Apple. For example, the company introduced wireless headphones AirDots or dynamic wallpapers similar to those in macOS. So copying Memoji is just another step in the line.

Source: 9to5Mac
