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JustWatch is a service that can mediate all titles from all streaming services within a single application. But at the same time, it also records detailed statistics about which streaming services users use and what they actually watch. It then processes all this data into clear graphs with valuable and interesting information. From those relating to the Czech Republic and the second quarter of this year, it is clear that the three largest services occupy 84% of the domestic market. These are Netflix, HBO GO and Prime Video.

However, where others were growing, Netflix was falling. It lost 50% of its 3% market share, but even so it is still the unequivocal leader, as HBO GO has 26% less behind it. However, the third Prime Video jumped by 1% compared to Q3, which Netflix lost, and HBO GO is catching up relatively reliably. There is certainly an interesting situation in fourth and fifth place, for which O2 TV and Apple TV+ are fighting, this time winning for the American company. The latter retained a 6% share, while O2 fell by a percentage, see gallery with clear graphs below. But other services are also growing, by 2% for the quarter.

With the arrival of summer, viewership also fell, of course, which cannot be said about previous quarters, when people stayed at home and watched movies and series on streaming services "by one hundred and six" due to the coronavirus pandemic. Virtually the only one growing steadily (up 6% since the start) is Amazon's Prime Video. For Apple TV+, the curve is more or less linear, but that could change with planned hits such as new series of popular series Ted Lasso and The Morning Show. You can see the individual graphs in the gallery below.


