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The creativity of fans knows no bounds, and it's no different with the Apple brand. However, her fan Glenda Adams decided to express her loyalty to this brand in a really interesting way - through embroidery.

The 51-year-old American describes herself as an athlete and geek who wanted to create games when she grew up. Which also came true for her, and her work was signed on game giants such as Tomb Raider or Unreal. However, she was already working on Macintosh from Apple at that time, and her loyalty to this brand has remained to this day. She now works as a lead iOS developer at Fetch Rewards.

Her greatest hobby is embroidery, which she combined with her love for Apple to create perfect embroidered images. She said she has been doing embroidery for a long time, but mostly she only created pictures of rabbits or motivational inscriptions, she told the site Cult of Mac.

"A few years ago, I suddenly remembered that these stitches are actually the same as the pixels in the games I'm working on. I thought it would be interesting to see if I could create pixelated replicas of old computer screens.'

If you would like to liven up your study or office with her original pieces, I will probably disappoint you. Glenda does not sell any of her creations yet. However, she herself says that she would like to sell some smaller pieces on Etsy, for example.

