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If by chance you couldn't resist and chose to acquire iWork 09 illegally, make sure that there is no Trojan horse in your Mac. You might have come across this one if you decided to download iWork 09 from torrents. Thanks to the OSX.Trojan.iServices.A Trojan, anyone could connect to your computer.

If you do not have a clear conscience, then you better check whether it is in the directory /System/Library/StartupItems/ does not find the "iWorkServices" directory. If so, it will need to be removed as soon as possible.

Removal procedure:

1) (open the Terminal app)
2) sudo su (enter password)
3) rm -r /System/Library/StartupItems/iWorkServices
4) rm /private/tmp/.iWorkServices
5) rm /usr/bin/iWorkServices
6) rm -r /Library/Receipts/iWorkServices.pkg
7) killall -9 iWorkServices

Hopefully this inconvenience does not affect you, but if it does, I recommend that you be more careful next time.
