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Maybe while playing video games you think to yourself, “Damn, this is so much fun. Too bad I'm not working right now!". If you really see yourself in a similar statement, we have a great tip for you. In the original title of the Zachtronics studio, you can assume the role of a designer of cheap electronics. Freedom of action doesn't stand in the way of Shenzhen I/O. The main task is to follow the instructions as best as possible. This is so important that the developers even included a manual with the game to teach you how to be as efficient as possible.

Although the aforementioned electronics assembly is the core of Shenzhen I/O's gameplay, the game doesn't skimp on the story either. As a newly recruited engineer, you arrive in Shenzhen, China. In addition to an attractive salary, the robust production infrastructure there will also offer you, over time, a number of ethical dilemmas connected with your customers and the functioning of the entire production. However, you can also choose not to bother with the story delivered by mail and concentrate on building circuits and programming them.

Shenzhen I/O is certainly not a simple game. The game manual explains the basics of how simple electronics work and offers information about the programming language used in the game. But you have to combine all the details into a functioning whole without help. However, if the game is not a big challenge for you, you can also play in its sandbox mode, where there are no limits to your imagination.

  • Developer: Zachtronics
  • Čeština: not
  • Price: 12,49 €
  • Platform: macOS, Windows, Linux
  • Minimum requirements for macOS: 64-bit operating system macOS 10.9 or later, processor with a minimum frequency of 2 GHz, 4 GB of RAM, graphics card with OpenGL 3.0 support, 450 MB of free disk space

 You can purchase the Shenzhen I/O game here
