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The fourth series of Apple Watch brought a number of innovations, but the main innovation was undoubtedly the function for measuring the ECG. However, its benefits can only be enjoyed by watch owners from the US, where Apple has obtained the necessary permits from the Food and Drug Administration. Thanks to this, it is possible to measure the ECG on Apple Watch also in the Czech Republic, on models imported from the United States. After the arrival of iOS 12.2, however, unpleasant restrictions await us in this direction.

In the new iOS 12.2, which is currently in beta testing, Apple detects the approximate position of the watch or of the iPhone to which the Apple Watch is connected. In this way, the company verifies whether the user is actually located in a country where the electrical heart rate sensor is approved by the authorities. And if it isn't, the process won't be able to be completed, and even those users who purchased the Apple Watch Series 4 in the US won't be able to measure the ECG.

“We will use your approximate location during setup. We need to make sure you are in a country where this feature is available. Apple will not receive your location data,” is newly introduced in the ECG app on iOS 12.2.

A question mark still hangs over whether the company will also verify the location with each measurement. If not, then it would be possible to set up an EKG immediately after purchasing the watch directly in the United States and later use the function in the Czech Republic as well. It is quite unlikely that Apple would not allow its users to measure their EKG when traveling to another country. This would limit the main function of the latest Apple Watch, which is why many customers bought it.

It is also possible that location verification will be additionally required after the update to iOS 12.2. So if you own an Apple Watch from the US and have the ECG function set up, we recommend staying on iOS 12.1.4 for a while. At least until more details are known.

Apple Watch ECG

source: 9to5mac, Twitter
