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Nowadays, the Internet can be considered a bottomless well of information. If you've ever been sick or had a health problem, chances are you've come across a server uLékař In addition to various articles and advice, it also contains an extensive consultation room where you can write your questions, which will then be answered by real doctors. To keep your questions in your pocket, the uLékař team has also prepared an iPhone application for you.

First of all, I have to praise the way the application is handled. iOS 7 brought a new look compared to previous generations of the system, which uLékař adheres to. The application thus fits directly into the system. As a second thing, I would like to praise the agility. I'm using a generation older iPhone 5, and even on the still unpatched iOS 7 (which is unfortunately true), I haven't noticed a single glitch.

The application only applies to the already mentioned counseling center. In order to contribute to it, not just read it, you must first register. You can do so by sending a classic registration email or by quickly logging in via Facebook. A large button in the main menu is used to enter a question, so the application guides you clearly how to proceed. The process of writing a query consists of three steps.

In the first, you select the area of ​​your health problem (allergies, contraception, diet, cosmetics, etc.) and enter a short subject of the question. This is followed by a text field for describing the problem itself, which must be longer than 80 characters. You choose your gender, age, region and finally you can attach photos for a greater probability of correctly identifying the problem.

In the second step, you select the "tariff" of the query, according to the time it takes to answer the query:

  • within 1 working day €3,59,
  • within 2 working days €1,79,
  • within 7 working days €0,79.

This amount is final and one-time. In the last step, you will see the final recap of the query with all the filled-in information. After confirmation, you enter the password for your iTunes Store account to post the amount and post the query.

uLékař offers the option of sending notifications via e-mail or push notifications directly to your iPhone. In the application, you will also find a list of all corresponding doctors, a link to the website, a Facebook profile, an e-mail and a telephone contact. Overall, the application is very clear and simple.

If you need advice on a health issue and you own an iOS device, there is nothing easier than downloading uLékař You will be sure to receive expert advice directly from doctors. Being a notification app, you won't have to think and check websites for your query. You will simply be notified of the answer on the display.

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