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If you're on iOS, you might not even think of it. Especially if you don't have a comparison with, say, watchOS or other operating systems. However, graphic artist Max Rudberg drew attention to the interesting fact that iOS is too "stiff" in places.

"When iOS 10 was introduced, I was hoping it would borrow a lot more from watchOS because it does a great job of providing animated feedback when clicking buttons and other elements," explains Rudberg and adds several specific cases.


In watchOS, it is common for the buttons to often provide a plastic animation that feels very natural when controlled by a finger. Android also has, for example, the "blurring" of the buttons as part of the material design.

As a contrast to iOS, Rudberg mentions buttons in Apple Maps that only respond with color. “Perhaps pressing could even show the shape of the button? It's like it's flush with the surface, but if you press your finger it would push down and turn gray temporarily," suggests Rudberg.


Since Apple doesn't deploy similar elements in iOS yet, they don't appear as much in third-party apps either. However, developers have the option to use such buttons, as evidenced by, for example, selecting a filter in Instagram or buttons on the bottom control bar in Spotify. And how good for Rudberg's text he pointed out Federico Viticci of Mac Stories, the new Play button in Apple Music already has a similar behavior.

Rudberg's proposal is certainly good, and it will be interesting to see if Apple is preparing similar news for iOS 11, for example. However, it would definitely go hand in hand with the improved haptic response in iPhones 7. It makes iPhone and iOS much more alive and more plastic buttons would help it even more.

Source: Max rudberg