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This year's E3 fair has been taking place for the last two days, and as is customary, all the big players in the gaming industry will gradually hold their main conferences. Owners of iPhones and iPads might be interested in part of yesterday's (or night's) conference of the publishing house Bethesda. In addition to novelties such as Fallout 76 and the new TES VI, there was also a mutation of The Elder Scrolls for mobile devices. It's called Blade and it will be available for free starting September 1st this year.

Below you can watch a short clip from Todd Howard's presentation of The Elder Scrolls Blades. It is a Free-to-play RPG with online elements that will be playable on iPhones and iPads as well as other smartphones and all other major gaming platforms. It is a classic 1st person RPG that will combine several game elements.

It is clear from the presentation that there will be a so-called endless dungeon mode (that is, a classic rogue-like rpg), a multiplayer arena and the story mode itself. As for the story, you take on the role of a member of the elite royal guard called the Blades (fans of the main series certainly know), who has returned from exile to perform interesting tasks in his homeland. The game will also include building your own city, which will "belong" to the player. In this regard, various social elements will appear here, such as the ability to visit the cities of other players, etc.

It is clear from the demos that there will be at least two in-game currencies. So we can prepare for a classic "freemium" model. The question remains how aggressive Bethesda will be with its monetization model. In the video you can see some footage of the game, the interesting thing is the full compatibility of the game with the classic vertical holding of the phone. This is certainly not usual for similar titles. The game can already be pre-registered in the App Store or registered on the game's website and thus get some extra bonuses and the possibility of early access to the game.

Source: YouTube, Bethesda
