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Press Release: Healthy and satisfied employees are one of the fundamental pillars of the success of any company. Employers therefore offer them a diverse range of health benefits that help employees manage stress, feel better or be less prone to illness. One such benefit is also telemedicine. This helps companies save time and money for employees and is therefore a sought-after benefit even in the current economic situation. 

According to a study published in the American magazine The Harvard Gazette, the average doctor's visit takes 84 minutes, but only 20 minutes are spent for a medical examination or consultation. Most of the time consists of waiting, filling out various questionnaires and forms, and dealing with administrative staff. In addition, the time spent on the road must be added. Thus, employees spend dozens of hours a year at the doctor's, which has significant economic consequences for them and for the company.


But it is precisely telemedicine that can make visits to the doctor more efficient and save employees time spent in doctors' waiting rooms. Up to 30% of personal visits to the doctor are not necessary, and the necessary matters can be handled remotely via a secure video call or chat. "Employers are increasingly aware of this, and even in the current situation, when many companies face the need to revise costs, they keep telemedicine among the active benefits," says Jiří Pecina, owner and director of MEDDI hub as

Telemedicine saves time for companies, employees and doctors

The company MEDDI hub as, which is behind the development of the MEDDI platform, offers the possibility of easy, efficient, accessible and safe communication between doctors and patients. Its unique digital MEDDI app connects doctors and patients and thus enables remote health consultations. At any time, the doctor can consult with the patient about his health problem, assess an injury or other health problem based on sent photos or videos, recommend a suitable treatment procedure, issue an e-Prescription, share laboratory results, or advise on choosing a suitable specialist.

For doctors, on the other hand, the application enables monitoring of the patient's state of health even outside the doctor's office and limits the constant ringing of the phone in ambulances. The application also includes the absolutely new MEDDI Bio-Scan, which can measure the user's five levels of mental stress, pulse and breathing rate, blood pressure and blood oxygen content via the smartphone camera.


An application developed to suit companies  

According to Jiří Peciná, the application is very often tailored to individual companies, including a unique name or logo. "Our clients, which include, for example, Veolia, Pfizer, VISA or Pražská teplárenská, especially appreciate the fact that their employees are connected to our doctors within a very short time, currently 6 minutes on average. They also positively perceive the fact that our service works throughout the Czech Republic, not only in big cities. In addition, users can add their family members to the application, which promotes a positive perception of the employer among employees," explains Jiří Pecina.

As it follows from the data of the partner companies, the companies that implemented the MEDDI app saw an average decrease in sickness by up to 25% and managed to save up to 732 days of incapacity for work. "Our goal is to make our product really work. If we give employees smart phones or tablets as a benefit, why not also allow them to use them for reasonable things," says Jiří Pecina.

The introduction of the MEDDI application into the company environment is ideally carried out using a short but intensive personal training of each employee. "It is extremely important to us that every employee knows how to proceed in a situation where he or his family needs medical help. Where face-to-face training is not possible, a combination of webinars and clear video tutorials with complete instruction works very well," adds the director of the MEDDI hub company.

Currently, over 240 patients are registered in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, more than 5 doctors and 000 companies are involved in the application. The application is also used by clients in Slovakia, Hungary or Latin America, and it is about to be expanded to other European markets.
