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About a year ago, director Steven Soderbergh caught the attention of experts and the public alike by shooting his thriller Unsane entirely on an iPhone – of course, using the appropriate accessories. He was apparently satisfied with the performance of the iPhone and is embarking on another project. A trailer for Soderbergh's latest venture, High Flying Bird, has just appeared on the Internet. The picture was completely shot with the help of three Apple phones.

There will be no shortage of drama and tension in the new High Flying Bird. Unlike Unsane, which takes place in a psychiatric hospital, the latest film from Soderbergh's directorial workshop takes place in the American basketball league. Here, NBA agent Ray, the main character of the film, tries to save his own career.

Soderbergh and his team shot the film on a trio of iPhone 8s, with the popular FiLMiC Pro application helping them with their work. The filmmakers also used the Moondog Labs 1.33x Moment 2X telephoto adapter. The team managed to complete the entire film in a record two weeks, and the director's work on the rough editing took less than three hours, which is certainly not usual for feature films.

Editing of the film on a MacBook Pro, a poster and a few images:

The film High Flying Bird stars Andre Holland and Zazie Beetz, and the screenplay was written by Tarell Alvin McCraney, the author of the stage play that became the model for the Oscar-winning film Moonlight. The rights to the film were purchased by Netflix, the premiere of the film will take place at the Slamdance film festival, and Netflix will include the film in its offer already in February.

High Flying Bird Screenshot AppleInsider