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Steve Jobs was a man who was not afraid to go to extremes in many ways. This also concerned his approach to food, in which he often resorted to not very traditional forms of veganism and vegetarianism. For most of his life, Steve Jobs was a vegetarian, he ate rather sparingly and simply, and he was very picky, as many a waiter or chef who had ever dealt with the Apple co-founder could tell.

While in college, Jobs discovered a book called "Diet for a Small Planet," which played a significant role in his decision to eliminate meat from his diet. Later, he began to try even more extreme ways of eating, including cleansing and fasting, during which he was able to subsist for weeks on nothing but apples or carrots. But a large part of his college menu was also made up of cereals, dates, almonds... and literally kilograms of carrots, from which he also made fresh juice.

Another book "Muscusless Diet Healing System" by Arnold Ehret inspired Jobs to go on an even stricter diet, after reading which he decided to eliminate bread, cereals and milk from his diet. He also took a liking to two-day to week-long fasts, punctuated by the occasional consumption of leafy vegetables.

From time to time, Jobs retreated to the All One Farm community for the weekend, where he indulged in abundant portions of vegetables and fruits. The community was frequented by members of the Hare Krishna movement, whose food Steve also liked. Jobs' partner at the time, Chrisann Brennan, was also a vegetarian, but her diet was not so strict - their daughter Lisa once mentioned an incident when Jobs angrily spat out the soup after discovering that it contained butter.

In 1991, Jobs married Laurene Powell, who is a vegan. Their wedding cake did not contain any ingredients of animal origin, and as a result many guests found it inedible. Laurene has worked in the field of vegan gastronomy for a long time.

In 2003, doctors diagnosed Jobs with a rare form of pancreatic cancer and recommended surgery, but he decided to cure himself by following a strict vegan diet, including plenty of carrots and fruit juices. Five years later, he underwent the operation after all, but his physical condition had significantly deteriorated in the meantime. However, his fondness for carrots never left him, he sometimes enriched his menu with lemongrass soup or plain pasta with basil.

While at the beginning of 2011, Steve Jobs was helping to plan a dinner for the then American president in Silicon Valley, in June of the same year, unfortunately, he was practically unable to take solid food. Steve Jobs died in October 2011 surrounded by his family and loved ones.


Source: Business Insider
