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Steve Jobs continues to have a large base of fans and admirers. So it's clear that any artifact that is somehow connected to it is a huge success at auctions. Objects bearing Jobs' autograph have a several times higher value. An auction of one of these is currently underway. This is a handwritten document about the very first Apple product - the Apple-1 computer.

The document is complemented by two Polaroid pictures showing the circuit boards of the Apple-1 computer. But these are not the models that were sold for a devilish $666 in the Byte Shop at the time, but simple boards that only reached a handful of Jobs' friends and loved ones. The notes to the document state that it is a handwritten specification sheet for the computer, containing, among other things, the contacts for Steve Jobs - at the time it was the address of his adoptive parents. Jobs mentions in the document, for example, the fact that a 1, 6800 or 6501 microprocessor was used for the Apple-6502, but adds that the latter two are the recommended ones.

Auction hall Bonhams, which will auction the document together with the mentioned Polaroid pictures, states that their selling price could be around 60 thousand dollars (more than 1 crowns in conversion). The auction will take place today, December 300th, and in addition to the handwritten document, one of the Apple-000 computers and an Apple Lisa will be up for bid.

Items in any way related to Steve Jobs are frequent items in various events. It wasn't that long ago that Jobs' BMQ Z8, a signed check or a job application was up for auction. The price of Apple-1 computers fluctuates greatly over the years. In 2014, one of the functional models was sold at auction for an incredible 905 thousand dollars (more than 20,5 million crowns), last year a similar piece was auctioned for "only" 112 thousand dollars.
