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In November, we informed you about a possible solution to the constantly tangling headphones called iUntangle and now we offer you the chance to get one pack of this gadget. We are competing for a total of three or six pieces (there are two in each package)...

Editorial testing of iUntangle has yielded both positive and negative reactions. The Swedish invention really knows how to "keep the headphones under control" and if you attach them to a special clip, they won't get tangled. When you wrap the headphones, you have to do so at a level roughly below the front speakers, where they cover only a relatively insignificant part of the display - the notification bar and a little below it - and nothing prevents you from using the iPhone. If you wrap the headphones around the phone elsewhere, you will not be able to see the display.

If you have your headphones curled up when you're not using your iPhone at all, using iUntangle will be even more convenient.

In addition, iUntangle can become a nice Christmas gift, because the contest ends on December 17 at 23.59:XNUMX p.m., so you will probably receive your prize before Christmas Day.

Rules: The constant is obtained by dividing the number of correct answers by the number 10. You can find more about the logic of choosing the winner in rules, which you agree to by sending your vote.

The contest has ended.

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The correct answer to the question was Sweden.

A total of 589 votes were cast in the contest. After removing duplicates and incorrect answers, 586 valid votes remained.

They become the winner of the iUntangle pack František Kůrka, Radoslav TomečekVratislav Kadlec. Congratulations to the winners.
