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Billionaire Warren Buffett announced yesterday that he is leaving the board of the Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation. He stated that he will continue to serve only on the board of directors of Berkshire Hathaway. In addition to Buffett's departure, in today's interplay of the past day, we will also talk about the social network Twitter, which is starting to test monetization functions.

Warren Buffett is leaving the board of the Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation

Warren Buffett announced yesterday that he is stepping down from the board of directors of the Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation. A number of questions and uncertainties have emerged over the future of the foundation after Melinda and Bill Gates announced their divorce last month. In connection with his departure from the board of directors, Warren Buffett said that for a number of times he was a trustee - and an inactive one - of only one of the beneficiaries of his funds, and this beneficiary was the foundation fund of Melinda and Bill Gates. "I am now resigning from this position, as I have done for all corporate boards except Berkshire," Buffett said in his official statement. The 90-year-old billionaire went on to praise the foundation's director, Mark Suzman, and said his goals remain 100 percent aligned with those of the foundation. But Warren's physical presence, according to his own words, is not absolutely necessary at this time to fulfill those goals. In a statement, Melinda Gates expressed her gratitude for Buffett's generosity and his work, and said that what the foundation's leadership learned from Buffett will continue to be an important driver for him on his journey.

Warren Buffett Bill Gates

Twitter is accepting requests for premium features

Not too long ago, Twitter officially launched its audio chat app. Now, the social network has started accepting applications for limited testing of premium features called Super Follows and Ticketed Spaces. Users from the United States can now sign up for these programs through the Twitter app on their mobile phones. The Super Follows feature is limited to the iOS version of Twitter only, but the Ticketed Spaces feature is available to both iOS and Android users. Twitter management will then select a small group of users who will get the opportunity to test its new monetization features. With Super Follows, users get access to exclusive content for a fee of $2,99, $4,99 or $9,99 per month.

Source: Twitter

Ticketed Spaces will cost between $999 and $97 for access to audio rooms, and will offer bonus options such as choosing the maximum room capacity. Users will be able to check the availability of monetization features in the sidebar of the Twitter user interface on their smartphone. Test participants will initially be able to keep 50% of all earnings generated by using Ticketed Spaces and Super Follows. If the creator's earnings from the mentioned bonus features exceed the total value of 20 thousand dollars, Twitter will increase its commission from the original three to 20%. Even a 50% commission is lower than the commission charged by some competing platforms. For example, Twitch takes a 30% commission on subscriptions, YouTube takes a XNUMX% commission on membership fees. It is not yet clear when the mentioned functions will also be available in other countries of the world.
