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Apple announced financial results for the past quarter, revealing how it is doing well in the services segment. Services generally play an increasingly important role and can be counted on to continue to grow in the coming years. Of course, this does not only apply to Apple, but to practically every company. In a way, we can meet them everywhere around us, especially on computers, phones, or on the Internet. Users have already become accustomed to the transition from one-time fees to subscriptions, which pushes this entire segment forward and opens up a number of possibilities.

For example, Apple operates services such as iCloud+, App Store, Apple News+, Apple Music, AppleCare, Apple TV+, Apple Arcade or Apple Fitness+. So there is definitely something to choose from. Whether you are looking for a solution for synchronizing data, streaming music or movies/series or playing games, you have practically everything at your fingertips. As we mentioned above, services are growing worldwide and other companies are fully aware of this. The same is true of Microsoft, which we could describe as one of Apple's main competitors. On a subscription basis, Microsoft offers services such as OneDrive for backup, Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) as an online office package, or PC/Xbox Game Pass for playing games on a computer or console.

Apple services bring in billions of dollars. They could do more

As we mentioned right at the beginning, with the publication of the financial results for the last quarter, Apple revealed the sales for this particular area. Specifically, it improved by a cool 10 billion dollars year-on-year, when sales climbed up to 78 billion dollars in the last quarter. These numbers are very likely to continue to increase. But the truth is that if the giant wanted to, it could earn significantly more. If you are interested in the happenings around Apple and know its portfolio of services, then you may have already thought that some of the mentioned services are unfortunately not available here. A great example is Apple Fitness+. This is the latest service from the Californian company, but it is only available in 21 countries, including the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Mexico, Great Britain, Colombia and others. But other states are out of luck. It's the same with Apple News+.

In practice, these are services that are only available where they offer language support. Since he doesn't "know" Czech or Slovak, we are simply unlucky. A number of apple users who are affected by this restriction would most like to see a change, and that would be one for which Apple would hardly have to lift a finger. The whole world understands English, which is also a kind of "base" language for all services from the workshop of the Cupertino giant. If Apple made them available to everyone in the supported languages, leaving Apple users to choose, it would certainly gain many more subscribers who would be willing to pay for additional services - even if they were not in their native language.

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Services are a gold mine for Apple. This is precisely why Apple's current approach may seem illogical to some, as the giant is practically running out of money. On the other hand, he has to admit that thanks to this, everyone can enjoy the services without needing to know a foreign language. On the other hand, this puts Czech and Slovak apple growers, for example, at a disadvantage, who have no option for change. Would you like services to be made available at least in English, or do you not care that much about Apple News+ or Apple Fitness+?
