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Due to the current situation and measures, it is not so easy to find a place where you can eat well with friends and sit for a while. However, food delivery still works, and in this article we will briefly summarize applications that (not only) will make your life easier with food delivery in the time of the coronavirus. In addition, in this way you can financially support the owners of restaurants and businesses that have to close from tomorrow morning due to government measures.


We will give food

I most likely don't need to introduce this app at length to anyone - not even users who are completely new to ordering food at home. We will give food is an application in which an abundance of restaurants, cafes and all kinds of businesses are registered. In addition to a fairly clear order system, the application also offers the option of filtering by delivery price, opening hours or distance from you. After the order itself, you will receive a notification about when the courier will arrive, he will also contact you by phone just before he arrives at the required address.


Although this application does not benefit from the best availability in the Czech Republic, however, unlike the software mentioned above, it also has a huge number of foreign restaurants in its selection - this makes it perfect for travelers. Again, you have a wide range of filtering options, Wolt also of course shows you the current status of your order.

Do you want to enjoy cheap but relatively fresh food and at the same time contribute to its consumption? In that case Nesnzene is the right choice for you. Restaurants add surplus food here, which is fresh, but due to the strict conditions, it would have to be thrown away the next day. You can reserve food and then pick it up.


If, on the other hand, the goods from restaurants seem unnecessarily expensive, but you do not want to go shopping, Rohlí is one of the companies that will help you. They have a relatively wide range of food in stock, from baked goods, to fruit and vegetables, to sweets. It is more advantageous to place orders in advance, because in addition to cheaper delivery, you can better prepare for when they will arrive. If you enter it late, of course, don't count on the fact that your order will arrive within a few minutes. However, if you are from a larger city where Rohlí operates, you can safely start ordering.
