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During the current pandemic measures, game development has become quite complicated for some video game companies. This is evidenced by the many postponements of projects that should have been on store shelves a long time ago. However, such a situation does not seem to bother independent developers. While, for example, we will be able to play the sixth Far Cry in the foreseeable future, a smaller segment of the market is still producing games like on a treadmill. And sometimes such games even comment on that same complicated situation. The new adventure game The World After takes place during the covid lockdown and takes you on an adventure through the French countryside, during which you will uncover the mysterious nature of your night walls.

The main role in the game is played by Vincent, a writer who fled the city to the countryside during the pandemic in order to continue working on his new book. But he is troubled by strange dreams, which eventually prompt him to explore the surroundings of his temporary dwelling. He discovers in himself the ability to switch between day and night at will. At that moment, however, a terrifying monster begins to chase him. The World After then becomes a classic point and click adventure game with lots of logic puzzles. However, it has one thing that sets it apart from its competitors.

From the attached images, you can already see that the game is not exactly ordinary in terms of visuals. As one of the few adventure games, it does not use computer-generated graphics, but shots of real people and locations. People with experience in the film industry participated in the production of The World After, so the included footage is really nice. If you want to transport yourself to the environment of the haunted French countryside, you can do so now that the developers are also offering a nice introductory discount on the game.

 You can buy The World After here

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