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After a year, the popular internet services have reunited and are offering their premium services as part of the Productivity Pack at a unique price. You can subscribe to Pocket, Wunderlist, LastPass, UberConference, Quip, and Do for a year.

Very similar offer here she was already last year. Now the content of the Productivity Pack has changed a bit, but the principle remains the same. For 70 dollars (1 crowns) you get a subscription to premium services, which would otherwise cost almost 670 dollars (approx. 500 crowns).

You get Pocket Premium, Wunderlist Pro, LastPass Premium, and premium versions of UberConference, Quipu, and Do for a year. On top of all that, you also get a 12-week digital subscription to The New York Times as a bonus.

It is clear that most users will not use all the services, but if you are interested in at least two of them, the package is already worth it. Only LastPass Premium is among the cheaper options, it normally costs $12 per year, other services cost over $40 or even $100 per year.

You can get a discounted package of popular services shop at
