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It was March 25, 2019, when Apple showed the world, or rather only Americans, the Apple Card. It has been speculated about for a really long time, after all, Steve Jobs already thought about it in a certain sense of the word. However, it has been three years since then and Apple Card is still not available in the Czech Republic. But don't worry, it won't be long, if ever. 

Apple characterizes its Apple Card service as a credit card that simplifies your financial life. In the Wallet app on iPhone, you can set up an Apple Card in minutes and immediately start paying with it in stores around the world, in apps and on the web via Apple Pay. Apple Card also provides you with clear summaries of recent transactions and balance information in real time directly in Wallet.


Its advantage is that you have an overview of your finances thanks to graphs, but also a clear overview of transactions, where you can see at a glance when, to whom and how much money has gone from you. In addition, when the service was introduced, there was a 2% cashback when actively using it, with Apple products you got 3% right away. In addition, the funds obtained in this way are returned daily. However, if you use a physical card, the cashback is only 1%.

… and limitations 

Everything is sponsored by MasterCard in cooperation with Goldman Sachs. And this already means limiting the service to the American market only. Those other restrictions are that you must have your Social Security Number and a long enough financial history to apply for and be approved for the card. In addition to that, a postal address in the US and a small thing in the form of an American Apple ID (with expansion outside the US, this will of course also be charged for supported markets). As you can see, the service is currently only focused on the overseas market and is not expanding anywhere else.

This is primarily due to the SSN and the score associated with it when applying for loans. If you have never borrowed for anything and never paid anything back, say goodbye to an Apple Card right away, even if it ever reaches us. Apple wants to know our financial history, and without it, they won't give us their credit card. And then, of course, there are the banking regulations, obligations and restrictions that prevent the expansion of Apple's card outside of its home country. But does it bother the Czech user? Personally, I only use a debit card, which of course has Apple Pay linked to it, so I'm not looking forward to the Apple Card even after three years. In addition, the Czech market is not like the American one. Credit cards don't have that kind of history here, so we're definitely not a priority for Apple in that regard (as with Siri, Homepods, etc.). 
