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That Twitter is most likely going to exclude links to media content from the tweet length limit, was already discussed a week ago. Now, however, Jack Dorsey's company has officially confirmed the news and added even more good news. Usernames placed at the beginning of a tweet reply will also not be counted, and the option to retweet yourself will also be added.

Although the Twitter user will still only have the magical 140 characters to express his thoughts, his message will still be able to be longer than before. Links to the web or multimedia content in the form of images, videos, GIFs or polls will not count towards the limit. You will also have more space when replying to someone else's tweet. Until now, the sign was taken from you by marking the addressee of the reply at the beginning of the tweet, which will no longer happen.

However, classic mentions (@mentions) inside a tweet will still cut your space from the 140-character limit. Despite the initial assumptions, it is also unfortunately clear that web links will count towards the limit. Therefore, if you attach a link to a web article or a photo from Instagram to your tweet, you will lose 24 characters from the limit. Only those media that are uploaded directly to Twitter are excluded from the limit.

Another officially announced news is that it will be possible to retweet your own tweets. So if you want to re-send your old tweet to the world, you don't have to republish it all over again, just retweet it.

The changes are expected to come in the coming months, both to Twitter's website and its apps for mobile platforms, as well as to alternative apps such as Tweetbot. Twitter already provides developers with relevant documentation, which describes how to implement the news.

Source: The Next Web