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Capturing dreams in some form of art is a superhuman task. Almost every artistic medium has tried to depict worlds governed by primitive rules. Developers from the Pillow Castle studio also contributed a little. They will trap you in your own subconscious, in which games with perspective will play a major role. The world of your dreams is as literal as possible in Superliminal. Everything is as you see it.

The protagonist of the game Superliminal had the misfortune of falling asleep in front of the television, which was currently playing an advertisement for Dr. Pierce's dream therapy. He invaded your dreams uninvited and now you have to escape them yourself to wake up healthy again. The primary obstacle for you will then be closed rooms, from which you will escape precisely through the already mentioned tricks with perspective. In the game, for example, you can see an insurmountable wall at first glance. But all you have to do is take a small wooden block and turn it at the right angle to make it look as big as possible next to the wall, and suddenly the game will let you climb up on it.

Such an example is of course the simpler one. Superliminal spares no creativity during its few hours of playing time. If you then want to test your logical skills with other players, you can play all the levels in a special Challenge mode and now also in the multiplayer mode, where you can compete in solving a series of puzzles with up to twelve other players at once.

  • Developer: Pillow Castle
  • Čeština: Not
  • Price: 8,39 €
  • Platform: macOS, Windows, Linux, Playstation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch
  • Minimum requirements for macOS: macOS 10.12 or later, 2 GHz processor, 4 GB of RAM, AMD Radeon Pro 460 graphics card or better, 12 GB of free disk space

 You can buy Superliminal here
