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iOS 13 (and iPadOS 13, of course) includes many new features, but they are not visible at first glance. So more than one user may find the new iOS 13/iPadOS 13 operating system very similar to the original version at first glance. However, the opposite is true and the new features are really clouds. The new operating systems also include, for example, support for fonts, which you can install in the system in the same way as, for example, in macOS. Anyway, in iOS 13/iPadOS 13 fonts are a bit more limited than on the classic desktop operating system. So let's take a look together at where fonts can be used on iPhone and iPad, where you can download and install them, and how you can uninstall them.

Where fonts can be used in iOS 13/iPadOS 13

As you probably already guessed, fonts in iOS 13/iPadOS 13 cannot be used to change the system font. This is set very strictly and immutably. So if you would like to change the system font in new operating systems, for example like Android, you are out of luck. On the other hand, however, you can use fonts in some applications, both native ones and third-party applications. You can therefore enjoy the option of changing the font, for example, when writing an e-mail in the Mail application, or perhaps within the Microsoft Office package, or in the three office applications from Apple.

Where can we download and install fonts

You must be wondering if you can simply download and install fonts anywhere on the Internet, for example from the popular The answer is simple - you can't. In order to be able to install some fonts in iOS 13/iPadOS 13, you need to download them first app from the App Store, through which you can do so. You can use, for example, applications Font diner, which offers a package of basic fonts, or applications FondFont, where you can find a larger selection of all kinds of fonts. As soon as you find a font in the application, all you have to do is confirm the installation in the notification.

Where we can remove fonts

If you would like to remove some fonts from the system, or see a list of all installed fonts, follow this procedure. Open the native app on your iPhone or iPad Settings, where you click on the named option In general. Here, then move to a category fonts, where their full list is located. If you want to remove a font, click Edit at the top right, then Fonts mark. Then all you have to do is click on the option below Remove.
