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Minimalism, fun, beautiful graphics, simple controls, amazing gameplay, multiplayer and a brilliant idea. That's how you can simply summarize the OLO game.

OLO is a circle. And you will play with them. The surface of the iOS device will serve as an ice rink on which you will throw circles, similar to curling. The playing surface is at the height of the display and is divided into 4 parts. On each side, a smaller space is occupied by an area for releasing your and your opponent's circles. The rest of the area is divided into two more larger areas. These are the target locations for the circles. Your circle must first fly over your opponent's field before it reaches yours. Depending on the power you give it with your finger, it will go somewhere on the board. The game ends when all circles are used. You get a point for each circle and then you see the final score. If you play several games in a row with your friends, the game also calculates the round-by-round score.

The circles are of different sizes and each player has 6 of them. Of course, when throwing circles you can push out your opponent's, but you can also inadvertently add more circles to him by missing. Here comes the real fun. The aim of the game is to get as many of your circles as possible into the target area of ​​your suit. Of course, large circles have more weight than smaller ones, so a large circle can push away, for example, 3 small ones. However, the scoring does not change according to the size of the circle.

If any circle gets into the opponent's "hitting" lane by some push, the circle turns into the opponent's color and is available to him. Each stone can only be used like this three times, after which it disappears. But with a clever bounce, you can add circles with your move as well. Although the game is simple, you have to think a lot while playing. Where to send a small circle? Where is the big one? Deciding the entire area with a larger circle and risking some stones falling into your opponent's lap? That's up to you, tactics are an inherent part of the game. Mindlessly throwing and smashing rocks really isn't worth it - I've tried it for you!

The game is mostly about multiplayer fun. 2 or 4 players can play on one iOS device. If you play in fours, two players on one side are always on a team together. There will be a lot more circles on the board, making it even more fun to play and even harder to tactic. If you don't have friends to play with, you need to have internet available to play. The game does not offer any single player. 2-player online gaming can be done in several ways. Via Game Center, you can choose a friend to whom an invitation will be sent, or you can send an invitation via e-mail or Facebook. The last option is the automatic. If any OLO players are available, this feature will connect you.

The game is great in many ways. The biggest problem is only when you have no one to play with. It's best with an enthusiastic friend on one iOS device, otherwise the game isn't that fun and gets boring after a while. However, it will serve great as a momentary relaxation with friends. Game Center is supported, including leaderboards and achievements. Minimalistic graphics with beautiful colors accompany the entire game and are also ready for retina displays. Pleasant and calm music is only in the menu, during the game you only hear a few sound effects and reflections of circles. And the gameplay? She is simply great. The price is reasonable, the universal iOS game costs 1,79 euros.

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