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Google Sheets is still one of the lesser-known services from Google, but its potential is quite large. How to get the most out of Google Sheets?

For many years it has been true that "MS Excel is here for spreadsheets". Over the years of its existence, it has become a kind of office standard, and its operation is taught at many schools. However, learning the basics of working with Google Sheets is also not difficult, and there are many good reasons for using this platform.

Sharing and Collaboration: One of the significant attributes of Google Drive is the ability to share. Whether you use Google Sheets for personal or business purposes, Google lets you easily share everything you need with family or colleagues.

Perfect Updates: In Google Sheets (in other words, in all Google documents) everything happens simultaneously, so you can follow all the changes made in a given sheet in real time.

No duplication: By using cloud sharing, a whole group of people can work on one particular document, avoiding confusion with copies.

Free Templates: Google Sheets offers a whole gallery of useful templates, so you don't have to struggle to come up with your own designs. Google's templates are more than enough for most classic tasks. You can access the templates by going to Google Drive, where you click on the blue "New" button in the upper left corner. In the expanded menu, hover over the Google Sheets item, click the arrow and select "From a template". If the default templates are not enough for you, you can install extensions to your browser Template Galleries by (Google Chrome only).

Clear overviews: Like Excel, Google Sheets can generate concise, informative summaries of your work. If you love charts, tables, and statistics, Google Sheets is for you.

Everything in its place: With Google Sheets, you can count on having everything you need in one place, which saves you a lot of work, time and nerves.

Spending under control

Spreadsheets are an excellent tool for recording the budget. Whether you're tracking your monthly or annual expenses, you can rely 100% on Google Sheets. With the help of simple formulas, you can easily calculate how much you earn, how much you spend, and get an overview of where your finances are going.

In this direction, the already mentioned templates will serve you well. There are two sheets for the monthly budget, one of which calculates your income and expenses with the help of formulas, and in the other you enter incoming and outgoing transactions.

When working with budget templates, it's important to remember that you can safely edit only cells highlighted in pink. You enter expenses and income in the sheet intended for transactions, and the corresponding cells in the second sheet are automatically filled in as well.

If you want to perfect your financial records, you can enter the relevant data in a recording template at the end of each month annual budget.

First of all, you need to enter the beginning balance in the table for the annual budget. In the Expenses sheet you fill in the monthly expenses for each category, you do the same with the monthly incomes in the Income sheet. The template also includes a linear chart.

You should not edit the Summary sheet any further, it is used for automatic data calculation based on the income and expenses entered by you.

Perfect task management

To-Do lists and lists of various tasks are an indispensable tool today, used by entrepreneurs, employees, students and parents at home. One of the effective ways to manage your own tasks is Google Sheets.

There is also a useful template on this platform for task management. It consists of only three columns, made up of a column to cross off the completed task, a column for the date and a column for the name of the task itself.

Thanks to the possibility of online collaboration, tasks can be assigned to the entire team using Google Sheets.

A master of his time

Google Sheets can also replace a calendar, diary or class schedule to some extent. If for any reason you are not satisfied with the Calendar application from Apple, Google Calendar or even a classic paper diary, you can try the Calendar or Schedule templates from Google. They can also be used perfectly in the case of online cooperation and coordination of larger teams, collectives or even families.

The Weekly Time Sheet template is great for recording the hours spent on specific work. In it, you enter the time span and hours that you spent on a certain job or project on individual days. The second sheet of the Weekly Time Sheet template provides clear information about how much time you spent on which project and how many hours you work per day.

…and it doesn't end there…

The user interface of Google Sheets is simple and very user-friendly, so you will surely soon learn to use it intuitively all by yourself. For example, Google also thought of future wedding guests, for whom it prepared an online version of the wedding diary, which includes, for example, a budget, a guest list, a list of tasks and a number of other important items. For those who have an important decision ahead of them, there is a list of pros and cons (Pro/Con List) in the basic menu, you can find a lot of templates on Vertex42 - here you will find a huge number of templates for various occasions, divided into clear categories.
