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Today was rich with new versions of Mac applications. Apple has released a new iTunes 9.1.1 that fixes a few small things. In addition, the new Opera and the high-quality Transmit FTP client were also released.

iTunes 9.1.1
The new iTunes brings only minor fixes to the VoiceOver function, Genius Mixes, and also fixes a bug associated with converting music to 128kbps during synchronization. But Apple continues to improve the overall speed and stability of the app.

Opera 10.52
Opera officially releases today new version your internet browser in version 10.52. First of all, the new Opera should be really fast, but above all it fits better into the overall design of the Mac environment. Unfortunately, it still doesn't support plugins, so I can't use 1Password with it. Opera has no place for me at the moment. But I would like a similar redesign for Opera Mini on the iPhone.

Transmit 4
The excellent FTP client is now even better. The developers have added a lot of new features, but the new Transmit 4 is above all really fast. Trasmit 4 boasts a new design that I really like! You can view the new features at Blog Panic.
