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Netflix codes are something that every subscriber of this streaming service should know. If you've never heard of them, you're in the right place because we're going to tell you everything you need to know about them. If you want to watch a show on Netflix, you can find it in different ways, for example through the genre search, which many of us use. But the truth is that traditionally Netflix only shows classic genres, which are rather generic. This means that subscribers who have special requirements will not be completely satisfied with the results.

Netflix codes: What is it

And right now comes Netflix codes. Specifically, this is a designation of very specific genres of shows on Netflix. In practice, this means that there are hundreds of very specific genres, and each one of them has its own secret code that can then be precisely filtered. So whether you like ticklish comedies, boxing or war shows, psychological thrillers, westerns, lesbian and gay shows or anything else, you can be sure that you will find exactly what you are looking for with the help of the mentioned secret codes. There are quite a few ways you can find and redeem Netflix codes and we'll take a look at them.

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Netflix codes: Browser

The most basic way you can search for codes is through a web browser. In particular, you just need to find a specific specific genre under which you are interested in the shows in the gallery I am attaching below and write down its code. Once you've done that, just follow these steps:

  • On your computer open any web browser, for example Safari or Google Chrome.
  • Go to the website Netflixlog in to your account.
  • Enter the address in the address bar
  • Then for the last slash enter the selected code.
    • So if you search for TV cartoons for example, the whole address will be

Netflix codes: Web applications

Would you like to make it easier to search for hidden shows on Netflix using a code, and the above procedure is not convenient for you? If you answered yes, then you should know that there are great web applications that can help you find your specific genres. I personally have a great experience with the site Netflix Hidden Codes. Here, just scroll down and find a specific genre. Once you do that, that's it by tapping move directly to the Netflix site, where you can immediately watch programs with a specific genre view and play.

Use this link to go to the Netflix Hidden Codes page

Netflix codes: iPhone application

If you often practice the so-called Netflix & Chill, so it's very likely that you don't have a Mac or other laptop with you in bed while watching shows. But practically everyone always has an iPhone with them, to which you can download a great and free application, in which it is also possible to easily work with Netflix codes. This app is called Netflix Codes and can find individual hidden codes for you. You simply are you choose a genre with the fact that you subsequently will display the specific code. You can then either copy a paste into the browser, or you can on it tap and let yourself be moved to netflix site, where do you programs will be displayed.

You can download the Netflix Codes app here
