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Just like every weekend, we have prepared for you a selection of extensions for the Google Chrome web browser that have caught our attention in some way.

Arcade Classics

Over the course of our Chrome Extensions series, we've featured plenty of tools to help you with your work, focus, and productivity. If you feel like you've been productive enough, you can try the Arcade Classics extension, whose name speaks for itself - it will help you unwind while playing popular games like Tetris, Pong, Snake or Pac-Man.

Download the Arcade Classics expansion here.

Google Dictionary by Google

Each of us needs an explanatory dictionary from time to time. Among other things, this is also a great way to learn a foreign language. By installing this extension, you will get a useful tool that will instantly show you the dictionary interpretation of your chosen term on the web page after you double-click on the word. The extension also includes the ability to save the history of search terms. The extension offers support for the Czech language.

You can download the Google Dictionary by Google extension here.

Power Thesaurus

Power Thesaurus is a useful and powerful extension that lets you instantly get an overview of synonyms, antonyms, usage examples, and other details about a selected term while browsing the web in Google Chrome on your Mac. Just right-click on the given word, and the relevant menu will appear in the context menu.

You can download the Power Thesaurus extension here.

Nature Tab

Among the very popular extensions are also those that allow you to play with the newly opened tab in Chrome. Nature Tab is just such an extension, with the help of which you can set breathtaking wallpapers with natural scenery on the newly opened tab, but the Nature Tab function does not end there. You can also decorate the new card with a clock, information about the current weather or perhaps a search panel.

You can download the Nature Tab extension here.

Toast - Save Tabs for Later

The Toast - Save Tabs for Later extension will certainly be appreciated by all those who often have too many tabs open while working in Chrome, some of which they do not use for a long time. This useful tool can take care of closing the tabs that you are not currently using and that you can easily return to later. You can also save individual cards in groups and even export them to other browsers.

You can download the Toast - Save Tabs for Later extension here.
