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Tim Cook this Wednesday called on the United States government to introduce a stronger law to protect consumer data. He did so as part of his speech at the Brussels Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners. In his speech, Cook said, among other things, that the law in question effectively defended users' privacy rights in the face of the "data industrial complex."

"All of our data — from the mundane to the deeply personal — is being used against us with military effectiveness," Cook said, adding that while individual pieces of that data are more or less harmless in themselves, the data is actually handled carefully and traded. He also mentioned the permanent digital profile these processes create, which allows companies to know users better than they know themselves. Cook also warned against dangerously downplaying the consequences of such handling of user data.

In his speech, Apple's CEO also praised the European Union for adopting the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). With this step, according to Cook, the European Union "showed the world that good politics and political will can come together to protect the rights of all." His subsequent call for the US government to pass a similar law was met with rapturous applause from the audience. "The time has come for the rest of the world — including my home country — to follow your lead," Cook said. "We at Apple fully support the comprehensive federal privacy law in the United States," he added.

In his speech, Cook went on to mention that his company handles user data differently than other companies — especially in the field of artificial intelligence systems, and said that some of these companies "publicly support reform but behind closed doors reject it and they resist it". But according to Cook, it is impossible to achieve the true technological potential without the full trust of the people who use these technologies.

It is not the first time that Tim Cook has been actively involved in the matter of the relevant reform in the United States. In connection with the Cambridge Analytica scandal on Facebook, the director of the Cupertino company issued a statement calling for stronger protection of user privacy. Apple's huge emphasis on protecting the privacy of its customers is considered by many to be the company's best product.

40th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners, Brussels, Belgium - 24 Oct 2018

Source: iDropNews
