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The largest Central European gathering of supporters of the mobile world, mDevCamp 2016, is filled with really high-quality guests this year. Among the invited speakers who will talk about trends in mobile development, design and business are the co-authors of the world-famous applications Instagram, Slack and Spotify.

The mDevCamp conference, which will be held in Prague for the sixth time, is organized by Avast Software. This year, it will take place on Friday, June 17, in the CineStar Černý Most cinemas.

"This year, we decided to take everything to a new level, and that's why we invited a number of guests from around the world, we significantly expanded the capacity of the halls, we are preparing a packed accompanying program and two big parties," described the main organizer Michal Šrajer from Avast, adding that he is most happy that, for example, Lukáš Camra, the first Czech developer who started working at Facebook's headquarters on the Instagram application, or Ignacio Romero, a developer and designer working on the popular communication tool Slack, have promised to participate.

You can register for the biggest event on the Czech and Slovak mobile scene now on Eventbrite. The full list of speakers and the program of the event will be published gradually in the coming weeks on the conference website.

"We opened the registration for early birds a few days ago and more than a quarter of the tickets have already been sold," added Michal Šrajer. During a single day, the organizers will offer a number of technical lectures, inspiring talks about mobile development, design and mobile business as such. As in previous years, a rich accompanying program will be a matter of course. Whether it's game rooms with the latest smart devices, virtual reality or drones, the Internet of Things, networking games for everyone involved or two big parties.
