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A sadly grotesque incident occurred at the Chinese border, where a man from Hong Kong was arrested for trying to smuggle 94 iPhones attached to his body into the country. The smuggler attached this respectable amount of phones to his thighs, calves, torso and crotch using plastic bags and adhesive tape.

The bizarre shipment contained the California company's latest phone models, the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. All the devices were seized and are now in the possession of the relevant authorities.

The current range of iPhones has been commonly and legally available in China for almost 3 months now. Smugglers focus on iPhones, which are mostly stolen, but certainly not uncommon. According to reports from local authorities, a tactic dubbed "mobile armor" is popular among smugglers.

Police said this particular man was caught in the act because of his peculiar unsteady gait with apparently limited joint and muscle immobility.

Source: The Verge