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Steve Jobs was undoubtedly a very distinctive and memorable personality, and the conferences he led were equally memorable. Jobs' presentations were so specific that some dubbed them "Stevenotes." The truth is that Jobs really excelled at presentations - what exactly is the reason for their phenomenal success?


Like every person, Steve Jobs also had his dark sides, about which a lot has already been said. But this is not excluded in any way with his indisputable innate charisma. Steve Jobs had a certain appeal and at the same time a huge passion for innovation, which is not seen anywhere. This charisma was partly due to the way Jobs was talked about during his lifetime, but to a large extent it was also due to the fact that he was literally a master of influence and the spoken word. But Jobs did not lack a sense of humor, which he found a place for in his speeches as well, with which he was able to perfectly win over the audience.


It might not seem like it at first glance, but virtually all of Jobs' presentations followed the same simple format. Jobs first primed the audience by creating an atmosphere of anticipation for new product introductions. This phase was not very long, but its effect on the audience was considerable. An integral part of Jobs' Keynotes was also a twist, a change, in short, an element of something new - the most striking example can be the now legendary "One More Thing". In the same way, Jobs made it a point to reveal himself in his presentations. The revelation was the focus of his Keynotes, and it often included a comparison of the product just introduced with the products or services of competing companies.


Anyone who has been following Apple's conferences closely for a long time will surely have noticed one significant difference between their current form and the form "under Steve". That element is the comparison, which we briefly mentioned in the previous paragraph. Especially when introducing important products, such as the iPod, MacBook Air or iPhone, Jobs started comparing them with what was on the market at the time, while of course presenting his products as the best.

This element is missing in Tim Cook's current presentations - at today's Apple Keynotes, we will simply not see a comparison with the competition, and rather a comparison with the previous generation of Apple products.


Undoubtedly, Apple continues its growth and innovation even today, which, in a certain sense of the word, is often mentioned by its current director, Tim Cook. Even after Jobs's death, the Cupertino giant achieved indisputable successes - for example, it became the largest publicly traded company in the world.

It is understandable that without Jobs, Apple Keynotes will not be the same as during his time. It is precisely the sum of the above elements that made these presentations unique. Apple will most likely no longer have the personality of Jobs' style and format, but Stevenotes are still around and definitely worth coming back to.

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Source: iDropNews
