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Apple Watch is the best-selling smartwatch in the world. They are actually the best-selling watches in the world, despite the fact that only iPhone owners can enjoy their full functionality. But even that may not be such a problem considering how many Apple sells each year. Is there anyone to threaten him at all? 

The Apple Watch actually has only one major drawback. If even users of Android devices could use them to their full potential, many of the owners of Samsung, Google, Xiaomi and other phones would surely reach for them. Considering how expensive they are, their slightly higher price cannot be taken as a negative. After all, there are also more expensive and stupid solutions on the market (Garmin). However, only one-day battery life is often mentioned as one of the disadvantages. But it's subjective - some people are bothered by it, some are fine with it.

The advantages are much more. Except for the already iconic design and the high variability of the straps, it is primarily about the watchOS operating system. It's true that it's been stagnant for some time now and Apple can't bring any major new features to it, but how do you want to improve something that doesn't have much room to move in terms of today's technology? The Apple Watch has fit into the Apple ecosystem like an ass on a pot and is already inextricably linked to it. Their functionality is then absolutely exemplary (even if there are a few flies).

Google Pixel Watch 

Apple's strength lies in this combination. Android fans can argue all they want, but it is true that they have no better alternative, even if they have significantly more options in their selection, despite the fact that Huawei, Xiaomi, Amazfit are solutions that communicate with both Android and iOS. Almost every major player has caught on to the smart watch trend, albeit with more or less success. The leader here is, of course, Samsung, and Google's own solution is coming this year, which could bring some competition, even though Google itself generally has no chance of threatening the Apple Watch's position in any way.

Samsung Galaxy Watch 4

Even though Apple does not currently have exemplary worldwide support, where it not only does not have a physical Apple Store here, but also does not even sell its HomePod here, Google does not have any representation here. You can find his products here, but they are imported. So until Google expands its scope, it can try and take a bite out of the overall pie, but it won't be the kind of numbers that others should fear. It is very important how you build your new product. If it will be available exclusively for Pixels, it will be a very bold step.

Samsung Galaxy Watch 

Last summer, Samsung presented its Galaxy Watch4, which of course is expected to be succeeded this year with the number 5. The crucial thing about this fact is that last year's company watch was the first with the WearOS system, which Samsung created in cooperation with Google, and which should receive even its Pixel Watch (although of course Samsung is adding some extra features as well). And here is the similarity with Apple, which can't just be boasted about.

Google's watch would basically fulfill what Apple does. All devices could thus be made under one roof – phones, watches and the system. This is precisely what Samsung will not achieve, because it will always rely on the help of another party, although it is true that even its mobile system with the One UI superstructure is very capable and Google itself surpasses even in system updates and support for individual devices.

How to depose a king 

There are not many options for trying to dethrone Apple from the throne of smart watches. It's all the more difficult to gain a foothold with iPhones with your own solution when there's simply nothing better than the Apple Watch, and when Apple still sells the affordable Series 3. Of course, a lot depends on priorities here, where Garmins are certainly not about the ability to install apps. So you can't fight either on price or on features. Only style can decide, when Apple lacks a durable sports model in its portfolio. But Samsung watches are definitely not that either. 
