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You may remember the case surrounding the removal of Fortnite from the App Store for violating its rules. Right after that, a carousel of court cases began, where Apple proved its rights, Epic Games, on the other hand, proved discrimination. Among other things, we also learned here why iMessage is not available on Android. But does it matter? 

Apple launched iMessage, i.e. the instant messaging service, in 2011. Immediately afterwards, of course, it was decided internally whether to launch it outside of its platforms. In the end, this did not happen and they are the privilege of Apple users only. But how does the user of a competitor's device, i.e. typically the owner of a device with the Android operating system, look at it? He simply doesn't care about us.

The US is a specific market 

Apple could have created the biggest messaging platform in the world, but its hunger for money wouldn't let it. Indeed, iMessage might have dominated now, but it's stuck only on company platforms, and Facebook's WhatsApp rules the world. But the situation needs to be looked at from another point of view, that of the domestic, i.e. American, market.

Apple didn't want to release iMessage on Android because people would just have to buy a cheap phone and not spend on their iPhones. It was in iMessage that he saw the great power of how to lock his sheep in his ecosystem, who will buy an iPhone again just because of this functionality. But his strategy can only work for him in his homeland. According to the website in the domestic market, in 2021 it still had a 58% share of its platform among users aged 18 to 24, a share of 35% in the 54 to 47 age group, and 54% for those over 49.


The share is therefore very even, and iMessage can help here to ensure that the numbers do not change drastically over the next few years. However, it is a completely opposite trend compared to the rest of the world. However, it is not surprising that Apple is strongest at home. However, if we look at the global situation, Android market share vs. iOS quite overwhelming, as Google's operating system is represented here by 2022% by 71,8.


iMessages are not important to us 

Android device owners don't use iMessage because they can't. So they use alternatives, such as applications from the manufacturers of their phones (especially for SMS), or of course communication platforms, such as WhatsApp, Messenger, Viber and others. The same is the case with us, which clearly puts iPhone owners at a disadvantage.

If you send a message on Android in the Messages app, it will be sent as an SMS. If you do so on an iPhone, it will be sent as an iMessage. If an Android owner sends a message to an iPhone, it will be sent as an SMS. But SMS are on the decline, most people deal with chat services, which, after all, are also Apple Messages. Due to clear limitations, even iPhone owners often use WhatsApp and others so that they can comfortably communicate with all "androids". It probably won't even change because Apple doesn't even want to change it. Maybe even just instead of adopting the RCS standard, he prefers to recommend that we all buy an iPhone.

So if we look at the situation from the point of view of an iPhone user, he can use iMessage with all other iPhone owners, but he still communicates with Android phone owners via other platforms. Androids have it easier, because they automatically reach directly for the communication platform. Of course, it depends on what kind of bubble you live in. The Americans have it half and half, and indeed iMessage may have its power there, but it certainly misses the mark here, and it is definitely not a feature that should convince iPhone owners to buy the next generation phone because of it. For that, Apple has other levers on us. 
