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Knowing how to quickly get a file path in macOS Sonoma is a significant time saver, especially for professionals who regularly manage files and folders. But knowing how to easily and quickly share a file path can be useful even for a completely ordinary user. In today's article we will talk about how to do it.

File paths are necessary for tasks such as referencing files in scripts and command lines, which is essential for developers and programmers. In addition, graphic designers and video editors benefit from sharing the exact location of files with their teams to ensure accurate version control.

File paths can also be invaluable to academics and researchers in organizing and citing data files in publications and in collaboration. Mac users can set the Finder to display the directory path of a file or folder. There is a slightly hidden but very simple way in the Finder to copy it to the clipboard for future use.

How to copy a file path in Finder

If you want to copy a file path in the native Finder on your Mac, follow the instructions below.

  • Open the Finder and navigate to the desired file or folder.
  • Right-click the item.
  • Hold Option (Alt) key.
  • Choose Copy as path.
  • Paste the copied file path in the appropriate place.

Once copied, you can easily paste the file path wherever you need, whether it's in a text editor, script, or file upload box.
