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If you've been following the events in the Apple world, you certainly haven't missed the launch of Apple's Self Service Repair program recently. For those who haven't heard of it yet, this is a program that will allow each of us to repair an iPhone or other Apple device by ourselves, using original parts and manuals. Until now, Apple has not offered any original parts to the public, which is changing now. Self Service Repair has launched in the United States, specifically for iPhones 12, 13 and SE (2022). This program should expand to Europe already next year and at the same time should soon expand the field of supported devices for which we will be able to purchase original parts.

How to download official iPhone repair manuals directly from Apple

In order to be able to repair your iPhone, and later also other Apple devices, you will of course need a procedure, i.e. a manual. There are countless of them available on the Internet - you can use the portal, or videos on YouTube from well-known repairmen. However, Apple cannot logically rely on these manuals, so it has made its own official manuals available to all users, in which you will learn how to proceed when repairing various parts of iPhones. If you would like to download these manuals, just proceed as follows:

  • First, you need to go to the web browser this link.
  • Once you do that, you'll be taken to Apple's support pages, where the manuals are located.
  • In the list of found documents, all you have to do is to they found the iPhone you want to repair.
  • Subsequently, after finding a specific iPhone, it is enough to simply click on the assigned Repair Manual.
  • After that, you already have the manual opens in PDF format and you can start viewing it right away.
  • In case you would like save the manual so just tap on arrow icon in a circle in the toolbar.

It is therefore possible to download iPhone 12, 13 and SE (2022) repair manuals using the above procedure. As I mentioned above, currently users can only repair these newer Apple phones by themselves, so for older iPhones and other Apple devices, of course, the Apple company has not yet released manuals. As soon as the Self Service Repair expansion takes place, all new manuals will of course appear here. It should be mentioned that these manuals are really extensive, but they are not intended for ordinary repairmen - they use special tools directly from Apple, which the repairman can rent for the repair. With the expansion of this program, the manuals will certainly be available in other languages. Whether we will see Self Service Repair in the Czech Republic is a question, but personally I think so, even though the spare parts warehouse will be located abroad. We have no choice but to wait.

You can view the individual manuals directly using the following links:
