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Dashboard has been with us for quite a few years. Sure, some users like it and find added value in it, but from what I've talked about Dashboard with my friends, no one uses it. I belong to this group. I would even say that the presence of the Dashboard bothers me.

The Dashboard era reigned years ago in older versions of OS X, but its use and meaning is gradually disappearing, especially in the latest OS X Yosemite, where widgets can be added directly to the Notification Center just like in iOS 8. Below we provide instructions on how to disable the Dashboard in OS X Mavericks and in the upcoming OS X Yosemite, which many are already testing and the procedure is similar.

Hiding the Dashboard - OS X Mavericks

I use Mission Control quite a lot in Mavericks, and the additional desktop just adds unnecessary noise on the screen. Fortunately, there is a solution that is very simple. Just open the Mission Control menu in System Preferences and uncheck Show Dashboard as desktop.

Hiding the Dashboard - OS X Yosemite

In Yosemite, the settings options for the Dashboard are more advanced. You can either leave it completely off, turn it on as a separate desktop in Mission Control, or run it only as an overlay, i.e. that it will not have its own designated area and will always overlap the current one.

Disable Dashboard

For those who want to go even further and disable Dashboard altogether, we also have a solution. In Yosemite, the Dashboard can be turned off in the settings, but not completely disabled, so if you accidentally open the Dashboard application, it will start and you will have to manually close it again. Just open a terminal and enter this command:

	defaults write mcx-disabled -boolean true

Once you confirm it with the enter key, enter the following command:

	killall Dock

Confirm the entry again and use your Mac without Dashboard. If it wants to bring the Dashboard back, put the commands:

	defaults write mcx-disabled -boolean false
	killall Dock