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iOS 7 came with drastic changes in appearance and added several interesting effects that make the system unique, but not always for the good of the battery and readability of the text. Thanks to innovations such as parallax backgrounds or background updates, the phone's battery life on a single charge has decreased, and thanks to the use of the Helvetica Neue UltraLight font, certain texts are almost unreadable for some. Fortunately, users can correct many "illnesses" in the settings.

Better endurance

  • Turn off Parallax background – the parallax effect in the background is very effective and gives a person a sense of depth in the system, however, due to this, the gyroscope is constantly on alert and the graphics core is also exploited more. So if you can do without this effect and prefer to save battery, you can turn it off in Settings > General > Accessibility > Restrict Motion.
  • Background updates – iOS 7 has completely redesigned multitasking, and apps can now refresh in the background even after 10 minutes of closing. The applications use both Wi-Fi data transmission and location updates. However, this also affects battery life. Fortunately, you can either turn off background app updates completely or enable them only for certain apps. You can find this option in Settings > General > Background app updates.

Better readability

  • Bold text – if you don't like the thin font, you can return it to the same form you were used to in iOS 6, i.e. Helvetica Neue Regular. You can find this option in Settings > General > Accessibility > Bold text. If you have trouble reading fine print, you'll probably appreciate this option. To activate it, the iPhone must be restarted.
  • Bigger font – iOS 7 supports dynamic font, that is, the thickness changes according to the font size for better readability. IN Settings > Accessibility > Larger font you can set a generally larger font, especially if you have a vision problem or simply don't want to read the subtitle text.
  • Higher contrast – if you do not like the transparency of some offers, for example the Notification Center, v Settings > Accessibility > Higher Contrast you can reduce transparency in favor of higher contrast.