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Portrait mode is becoming a very popular feature of the new iPhone 7 Plus. Photos with a blurred background and a sharp foreground are also starting to appear in abundance on Flickr, which is literally dominated by Apple devices. The popular photo-sharing service has traditionally shared the statistics of the most used devices for the past year, and iPhones lead the way.

On Flickr, 47 percent of users use iPhones to take photos (or all Apple devices that can be used to take photos, but 80% are iPhones). That's nearly double Canon's 24 percent.

It was very convenient that she came Press Release Apple, which on the one hand reminds us that its iPhone is the most popular camera in the world, but above all asked professional photographers how users should handle the new Portrait mode on the iPhone 7 Plus. He asked people like Jeremy Cowart (photographer of world models) or female traveler/photographer The Pei Ketrons.

And here are their tips:

  • If you get as close as possible to the subject, the details will stand out.
  • On the contrary, if you take pictures at a greater distance (about 2,5 meters), you will capture a larger part of the background.
  • It is important that the subject does not move (a traditional problem when photographing pets).
  • It is good to get rid of as many distractions as possible.
  • Leave the sunlight behind the subject to achieve a backlit background to make the subject stand out.
  • A slight reduction in exposure is often sufficient for a more cinematic feel to the entire shot.
  • Finding a place with ideal lighting for a highlighted photographed object.