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In addition to the fact that Apple released new operating systems for iPhone, iPad and macOS devices, it also did not forget about its wearables, i.e. wearable accessories. In addition to significant firmware updates for AirPods, Apple has of course not forgotten about its Apple Watch, for which it has released a new version of the watchOS operating system, serial number 7. Of course, you can also install this operating system now - if you want to find out how, keep reading this article. Note that you must install watchOS 7 after you install iOS 14. If you do it the other way around, you risk your Apple Watch not working.

How to install watchOS 7

In case you want to install watchOS 7 on your Apple Watch, it is necessary that you own Series 3 and later. This update is not available for older watches. If you meet this criteria, then jump into reading the procedure itself:

  • First, it is necessary that you on your iPhone, with which you have an Apple Watch paired, have switched to Safari na this page.
  • Here, then go down a bit until you reach section s WATCH 7.
  • In this section it is then necessary for you to click on the button Download.
  • As soon as you do so, a notification will appear regarding the installation of the profile - click on Allow.
  • The system will move you to the Watch application, where in the upper right click on Install.
  • Then enter your code lock and tap on the top right Install. Press to confirm the action Install at the bottom of the screen.
  • Now it is necessary restart Apple Watch – a restart is offered through a notification, where you just need to tap on Restart.
  • After the restart, just go to the application Watch, where you go to General -> Software Update. Here, the classic system is enough install.

Now our portfolio of installations of beta versions of new operating systems is complete. I note again that in case of installing watchOS 7, it is necessary that you first install iOS 14, and only then watchOS 7 - there is a risk of the aforementioned "bricking" of the Apple Watch, i.e. that it will stop working for you for some time.
