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If you share your Mac in the same household or anywhere else, you should use user profiles on it to maintain maximum privacy. Unfortunately, many individuals do not use profiles, so anyone else can easily access your data, and you can also access the data of other individuals. In this situation, or in any other situation, you might want to know how to lock a folder on Mac. If you want to find out how, keep reading.

How to Lock a Folder on Mac

If you would like to lock a folder on your Mac, it is not difficult after learning the procedure. Before we jump into the procedure, I would like to state that the folder itself cannot be locked. The folder must be converted to a disk image, which can then be locked. However, this disk image works pretty much exactly like a normal folder, so there's nothing to worry about. The whole procedure is as follows:

  • First, of course, you need to be specific folder to lock they prepared.
  • If you have the folder ready, open the native application on your Mac Disk Utility.
    • Disk Utility can be found in Applications in the folder utilities, or you can start it using Spotlight.
  • Once you have done so, click on the tab with the name in the top bar File.
  • This will bring up a drop-down menu, hover over the option new image and then tap the option Image from folder…
  • It will now open finder window, in which folder you want to lock find.
  • After finding a specific one click the folder to mark it, and then press at the bottom right Choose.
  • After that, another window will open, in which it is necessary to make several adjustments:
    • Save As, Tags and Where: choose the name of the folder, the tags and the path where the folder should be saved;
    • Encryption: choose 128-bit AES, if you want an even greater sense of security, then 256-bit - but it's slower. After selection it will be necessary enter the password twice in a row, with which you will unlock the folder;
    • Image format: select read/write.
  • Once you have made the settings, click in the lower right part of the window Impose.
  • After a while, the encrypted image of the folder with the DMG extension will be created.

So, in the above way, you can lock a folder with a password on Mac, that is, create an encrypted disk image from it in DMG format. In practice, this disk format works in such a way that whenever you want to operate with a folder, you must create a disk image they connected – is enough for him double tap. Immediately after that, a text field for entering the password will appear, and after authorization, the folder will appear classically in the system or on the desktop. As soon as you stop working with the folder, on the disk image right click and then select an option Eject. If you unlock it once, it will remain unlocked until you pull it out. This is the only native option to lock a folder in macOS.
